Hand surgery
Hand surgery remains a separate discipline within orthopedic surgery. Indeed, the hand is an essential organ by its function but also by its social role.
The hand remains the extension of the spirit, it is in everyday life the only part of the body with the face exposed to the gaze of others. Hand surgery remains a separate discipline within orthopedic surgery. It is an anatomical area where many different and mobile structures coexist in a reduced space, such as nerves, tendons, vessels ...
Specialized techniques for hand surgery
Its management requires a particular and very specialized know-how. The development of microsurgical techniques and the contribution of new technologies for the repair of these different structures has made possible in recent years many advances in the understanding, treatment and management of different hand lesions.
By combining his experience of microsurgery, reconstructive surgery and that of the care of high performance athletes, Doctor Roure tries to provide the least invasive solutions and the best adapted to the lesion and to the life profile of each of his patients.